Twitter Tools-How To Leverage The Most Out Of Twitter

These are a collection of tools I’ve been using with twitter which have just recently got me a load of extra exposure and helped me to automate certain aspects of twitter making my time far more productive and easier.
They’re all small little things that add up to make a Massive difference, I’m going to be doing videos of each of these to help explain them further and whenever I come across other sites, that will help the “twitter” expierience I’ll be posting them up here, So it’s worth Bookmarking this page

Twellow– This is like the yellow pages of twitter, you need to sign up here asap as it’s growing fast and it will gain you alot more exposure to your twitter profile. It breaks all the people on twitter up in to categories as well, so you can really hone in on people with the same interests as you and follow them, they’ll follow you to and then you have a really good receptive relationship straight away as you’ll both be very interested by what you have to offer each other.

Tweet Later – This is brillaint as it allows you to automate responses, when people follow you, you can automate tweets. The best way to describe this is it’s like an autoresponder for twitter, and it’s FREE! you can be informed of replies and keywords, if your monitor a certain market, this is brilliant for that as you put in the keywords and it’ll scour twiiter every few hours or so and blast you the tweets for the keywords your studying

Twitscoop – This is truly amazing, you can actually see in realtime the hottest topics in the twitosphere, right befor your eyes in real time you can see the word cloud changing in size, some words fading into nothing while others grow rapidly, theres line graphs and everything so you can see spikes plateaus and trends, this is very powerful for affiliate marketers

Trim URLs– this allows you to REALLY shorten your URL and track it’s clickthroughs It Then Aggregates the data so you can see clickthroughs by country and total amount of visits altogether. This is good easy and simple to use for tracking clickthroughs

TwitPic – this is a handy little tool that allows you to upload pictures gto twitter in an instant, whats quite interesting is you can just leave it going and you see these pictures popping up from all over the place every second

Twitter Karma – followed a ton of people but they don’t bother reciprocating or saying hi? Whack! them off your list, this helps balance out the following/followers ratio, basicaly cleans up your twitter

Twitterfeed– I havent used this yet myself but it automatically feeds your blog updates to twitter so you don’t have to.

I’m going to be updating this everytime I foind something new and useful that relates to twitter and helps our expierience of using it!

I hope you’ve found this interesting and useful, if you could please bookmark it in stumbleup, delicious, digg or whatever I’ll be so greatful! many thanks

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OF course don’t forget to follow me on twitter

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