Posts Tagged ‘popover generator review’

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review Final Thoughts…

March 4, 2010

Hopefully you can now see how useful and versatile this bit of software is. If you already own quite a few successful websites or are wondering how to progress your business further, this is the perfect application for that “next step” and squeezing every last penny out of your page.

I hope this also answers your question as to why your popup may be converting not very well either. Bear in mind those stats I gave you aren’t the most up to date on popup blocking software either. Basically everyone who uses the web now never sees any popup until they pick up a virus or manually disable their popup blockers, which I doubt they’d do any time soon.

The current generations of operating systems such as vista and the soon to be released windows 7 and Mac operating systems come pre-installed with  internet protection software so that means you really have to dramatically change your tactics with regards to popups. But they also ensure these popovers get through fine, since java script can’t be used maliciously and is part of the website.

So I strongly suggest you get on it now and take advantage of this technology.

There’s a video and better explanation on the website here: Popover Generator

Interviews With This generations most succesful entrepreuneurs

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Popover Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review Part 1

Armand Morin’s Popover Generator Review

February 8, 2010

So this is where you start to reclaim what popup blockers have taken from your Internet business, but first you need to understand how and why this works before I get on to showing you how to work it.

First you have to understand that popups and popovers are completely different pieces of technology. Popups use HTML coding which means that when they open, they are effectively a completely different webpage altogether. That’s how popup blockers stop them and that’s why your popups currently don’t seem to have any effect, remember the stats on the previous post?…

Popovers Use JavaScript which is completely different and is usually part of the current page. Normally you don’t see or hear about JavaScript, Which is fare enough, not many people know what it is or understand it. I don’t fully understand it myself, but I know it’s usually a part of a website somewhere, the most visual of these being flash banners and applications. Since it’s part of the website and not a new window of HTML code, popup blockers don’t read or understand this.

That’s why it’s so effective and practically guarantees that every visitor to your website sees your “Popup”. Now your “popup” is shown inside your site and isn’t external.

This is a brief excerpt from the user manual-

“Fact #1: Popovers as Pop ups dramatically increase response to ‘opt ins’ and other Internet offers. Your business may be profiting from them right now.

Fact #2: Many major Internet service providers, like AOL, Earthlink, and Netscape, representing millions of your  prospects and customers, are making it as easy as flipping a light switch to permanently turn off all ‘pop ups’ – including your ads! But they cannot do anything with your PopOves!

Facts #3: With the mass blocking of pop ups by the major Internet service providers, many Internet businesses will suffer greatly reduced sales and possibly even go out of business…So Rely on PopOvers which is the Next Generation of Popups.”

Hopefully that should be crystal clear by now, and I bet you’re well interested. Now you will be amazed at how simple it is to use. Once again The best part is it’s essentially all done for you. Like focus generator you can install it to your website with a click of a button at the end of the process.

Popup Creator

As you can see from the first screen that appears when you open the program, you can also add any of the templates you’ve created previously to a new website or another one. This is really handy when your “Testing The Waters” because you can create a few variations of the popover you want and very quickly and easily switch them around.

Armand Morin Popup Creator Review

Due to the JavaScript nature of these popovers, they are quite malleable things. The appearance and effects are all changeable. With the other options like the drop in box it can stimulate a very high response rate. Since people naturally read downwards, when this box flies down from the top of the screen, it guarantees it’ll be looked at.. All you need to do is put the right offer in there!

Popover Generator Review

This is probably the most technical bit of it all, it’s still simple but it requires a bit of understanding and testing, because this section dictates where it’s going to appear on your page and how big it’s going to be. What’s great is from hear on out there’s video help for each of the steps and for which ever type of popover you choose to use.

It uses pixels to position itself on your page. The standard ones that are there are pretty spot on but of course everyone’s site differs. What I used to do was put in what I thought was correct then fast track the rest of the steps so I could preview it. Then you just go back and work from there till you get the desired positioning and size.

Armond Morins Popover Generater review

Now you’ve chosen what you want, and how you want your popover to appear, now is where you make or break it. The content area is what your going to put in your popover, be it an optin box, a free offer, or a link to an affiliate site. Whatever it is make it good, otherwise your “Popup” popover will be ineffective. Once again theres video help on hand if your unsure of the interface, but it’s a pretty straightforward WYSIWYG editor, just like word.

You can bold, italic and underline it, you can also mess around with fonts sizes and colours to get it to look right. This is also the field where you put any HTML code. So that means you can throw an opt-in box in there to grab peoples email addresses, and best of all, you know it wont get blocked and people will see your offer!

Best Popover Generator Review

This is like the final appearance settings and colours, now you’ve done the size, positioning and content you just need to pick all the background colours, text colours and font. You can also change what it says in the title bar. This basically allows you to blend it with your page and compliment your site, or you can make it really stand out, depends what your after or promoting.

Popover Generator Reviews

The next bit is simple as well and is something you probably wouldn’t think about unless this software suggested it, especially since it doesn’t function like a normal popup. You can set up a delay period, make the popover draggable, resizeable. It can either stay on the page the whole time or the user can close it. You can also have it put a cookie in the users browser that means it wont popup if they’ve closed it previously. This helps in the general annoyance department

It’s generally about making it friendly for the end user, and it allows you to take out the annoyance factor of popups. Some people will realise and genuinely appreciate this, thus developing more trust and confidence in them since you won’t be outright selling to them.

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review

This is where you get to preview and make the final changes to your popover, it’s worth naming it something related to what you intend to promote with it since you can very quickly loose track of what you’ve made or need to make.

Once you hit next, your done, you just need to add the page where you want the popover to show up on and then it’s done!

You now have your Popover and never have to worry whether your customers see your “popup” or not again. It’s guaranteed. This can push your sales through the roof when used correctly

To Visit The Site And See A Video And More Examples of Popover Generator Go Here

To see More Of The Creator of this fantastic bit of software and interviews with other successful entrepreuners, go here

Easy Popover Creator SoftwarePopup creator review

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Popover Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review Part 1

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review

February 1, 2010

The next piece of software I’m going to be covering is something you’ve most likely already seen on websites and sales letters without even noticing it, it’s that effective.

The piece of software I’m about to introduce to you is really amazing and probably the best of it’s type out there in terms of usability, effectiveness and end results.

It’s called popover generator, this is another way to beat the popup blockers that everyone is using. Think of it as a more advanced version of Focus generator, and when used correctly it’s possibly the most powerful of all sales tools out there.

That said, it can also break your site if not used correctly or used in a very “spammy” manner.

Here are a few stats to take into account. This will also help if you are currently wondering why your popups are ineffective or showing no results:

Bare in mind this is only a few of the companies offering popup blockers….

  • Earthlink’s popup blocker software has 4,989,000 Subscribers
  • AOL’s Popup Blocker Software that came with computers when new has around 35,203,000 Subscribers
  • Last Month around 84,000 people searched for popup blockers

Okay, so that’s 40,000,000 odd people who currently can’t see your popups and opt-in pages.

You can understand why people want and use popup blockers so much, because a lot malicious and careless people have exploited pop ups to the extent where they really annoy us or download rubbish and viruses on to your computer.

A lot of them have these horrific spammy flashing offers as well which irritate further..

As you can probably tell by my last couple of paragraphs, popups really get me as well…

So unfortunately that’s had a terrible knock on effect to us marketers who are offering genuine products and helpful information via these popups.

Popover generator uses JavaScript again and a lot of HTML  to get around these Popup blockers, along with some further complex software algorithms which I can’t begin to understand. All I know is it works and it works incredibly well.

You will see it in action in my next review, prepare yourself because theres a lot to cover!

I may even do it in two parts…

See a video On The Site Now—->

Interviews with todays top online marketers, most of which have or are currently using this software on some of their most succesful websites..

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Popover Generator Final Thoughts.

Popover Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review Part 1