Posts Tagged ‘e-Cover Generator’

Armand Morins eCover Generator Review Part 2

January 16, 2010


I JUST FOUND OUT that for a very limited time Armand is offer 360 or so free templates with eCover Generator, This would of helped me loads when I started, go here to find out more on that now…

On to the rest of the review though, in this part I’m going to show you the software in use.

The layout is once again very basic and simple to use, it’s step by step and point and click easy. Anyone could use this very effectively. It also cuts out the cost of the cover designer for your products (it wouldn’t surprise me if they were using this behind the scenes!)

Something you’ll notice straight away is it does a little bit more than just ebook covers..

ecover generator review

This is where it all starts, you’ve got your template selection to the left (standard) and a little drop down box to choose what it is you want to make. Right now it looks a bit ugly but this is just the start, you only start to see the real effect in the final part when your choosing how you want it to look and you get to mess with angles, lighting etc.

Heres the selection then:

As you can see this covers a bit more than your standard ebook covers. This vast range of options makes it an invaluable tool when promoting all sorts of information products. You can see what I mean about the images now.

Even if your course or product is entirely online or download only, These give a great “tangible” impression of what they may actually look like if they were physical products. This really does help people justify their purchase, especially if they want to discuss it with others or family first. You can just see them saying “have a look at what I’m going to get…”.

On to the next step of your eCover Generation Process !

book cover creator review

Now you’ve selected the type of cover you want, now you just need to put pictures in or text to show us what it  actually is. The only drawback is you get quite a basic text and image editor. You still get to mess around with sizes, fonts and shadows. It’s the same with the pictures. It’s very basic stuff.

I’ve never really found a need for much more advanced features though. But if you use it as much as I did, you might just get that little bug “if only I could do this..or make this look a little different”. This is extreme fussiness though, I don’t suspect you’ll ever have that.

It just feels good to know that when you finish, no matter what it is, it’s going to look good.

Armand Morin eCover Generator Review

This is basically the same as step 2, except now you’re doing the spine of the box or book. This is dependent on what you chose initially, if you picked a Cd cover or Special report you normally skip this part and go straight on to the best bit…making the final image!

This is how you make the covers look good and professional. What you’ll find now, once you get to this stage, is that the window to the left is 3D view of your creation. Now you have complete manipulation to do whatever, you can change the shadow, the lighting angle, the angle of the box, shadow intensity. You can zoom in and out to whatever distance you think looks good. One of the best little bits I found was the background color. Say your sales page is a blue of some description. If you grab the HTML code numbers for it you can put them in here. This means that the book will stand out and blend seamlessly with your web page.

Once you’re happy with how everything looks, say you got the angle right the shadow and lighting is perfect all you have to do now is click “smooth edges” This then creates a final anti-aliased, high-quality picture.

For those of you familiar with 3d design programs such as Light wave and 3ds max this smooth edges button is essentially the same as the render image button.

Once that’s done you save image! There’s your new e Cover. Very Simple and effective.

Read More and see a video of it in action here

If you found this informative you’ll probably enjoy these interviews with Armand Morin and other top marketers here

I’ll be posting the conclusion and final thoughts over the next couple of days 🙂 so stay sharp

ecover generator review


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Armands Ecover Generator Review Final Thoughts

Ecover Generator Review part 2

Armand Morins Ecover Generator Review Introduction