Posts Tagged ‘Armand Morin enerator Software’

Armand Morin’s Popover Generator Review

February 8, 2010

So this is where you start to reclaim what popup blockers have taken from your Internet business, but first you need to understand how and why this works before I get on to showing you how to work it.

First you have to understand that popups and popovers are completely different pieces of technology. Popups use HTML coding which means that when they open, they are effectively a completely different webpage altogether. That’s how popup blockers stop them and that’s why your popups currently don’t seem to have any effect, remember the stats on the previous post?…

Popovers Use JavaScript which is completely different and is usually part of the current page. Normally you don’t see or hear about JavaScript, Which is fare enough, not many people know what it is or understand it. I don’t fully understand it myself, but I know it’s usually a part of a website somewhere, the most visual of these being flash banners and applications. Since it’s part of the website and not a new window of HTML code, popup blockers don’t read or understand this.

That’s why it’s so effective and practically guarantees that every visitor to your website sees your “Popup”. Now your “popup” is shown inside your site and isn’t external.

This is a brief excerpt from the user manual-

“Fact #1: Popovers as Pop ups dramatically increase response to ‘opt ins’ and other Internet offers. Your business may be profiting from them right now.

Fact #2: Many major Internet service providers, like AOL, Earthlink, and Netscape, representing millions of your  prospects and customers, are making it as easy as flipping a light switch to permanently turn off all ‘pop ups’ – including your ads! But they cannot do anything with your PopOves!

Facts #3: With the mass blocking of pop ups by the major Internet service providers, many Internet businesses will suffer greatly reduced sales and possibly even go out of business…So Rely on PopOvers which is the Next Generation of Popups.”

Hopefully that should be crystal clear by now, and I bet you’re well interested. Now you will be amazed at how simple it is to use. Once again The best part is it’s essentially all done for you. Like focus generator you can install it to your website with a click of a button at the end of the process.

Popup Creator

As you can see from the first screen that appears when you open the program, you can also add any of the templates you’ve created previously to a new website or another one. This is really handy when your “Testing The Waters” because you can create a few variations of the popover you want and very quickly and easily switch them around.

Armand Morin Popup Creator Review

Due to the JavaScript nature of these popovers, they are quite malleable things. The appearance and effects are all changeable. With the other options like the drop in box it can stimulate a very high response rate. Since people naturally read downwards, when this box flies down from the top of the screen, it guarantees it’ll be looked at.. All you need to do is put the right offer in there!

Popover Generator Review

This is probably the most technical bit of it all, it’s still simple but it requires a bit of understanding and testing, because this section dictates where it’s going to appear on your page and how big it’s going to be. What’s great is from hear on out there’s video help for each of the steps and for which ever type of popover you choose to use.

It uses pixels to position itself on your page. The standard ones that are there are pretty spot on but of course everyone’s site differs. What I used to do was put in what I thought was correct then fast track the rest of the steps so I could preview it. Then you just go back and work from there till you get the desired positioning and size.

Armond Morins Popover Generater review

Now you’ve chosen what you want, and how you want your popover to appear, now is where you make or break it. The content area is what your going to put in your popover, be it an optin box, a free offer, or a link to an affiliate site. Whatever it is make it good, otherwise your “Popup” popover will be ineffective. Once again theres video help on hand if your unsure of the interface, but it’s a pretty straightforward WYSIWYG editor, just like word.

You can bold, italic and underline it, you can also mess around with fonts sizes and colours to get it to look right. This is also the field where you put any HTML code. So that means you can throw an opt-in box in there to grab peoples email addresses, and best of all, you know it wont get blocked and people will see your offer!

Best Popover Generator Review

This is like the final appearance settings and colours, now you’ve done the size, positioning and content you just need to pick all the background colours, text colours and font. You can also change what it says in the title bar. This basically allows you to blend it with your page and compliment your site, or you can make it really stand out, depends what your after or promoting.

Popover Generator Reviews

The next bit is simple as well and is something you probably wouldn’t think about unless this software suggested it, especially since it doesn’t function like a normal popup. You can set up a delay period, make the popover draggable, resizeable. It can either stay on the page the whole time or the user can close it. You can also have it put a cookie in the users browser that means it wont popup if they’ve closed it previously. This helps in the general annoyance department

It’s generally about making it friendly for the end user, and it allows you to take out the annoyance factor of popups. Some people will realise and genuinely appreciate this, thus developing more trust and confidence in them since you won’t be outright selling to them.

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review

This is where you get to preview and make the final changes to your popover, it’s worth naming it something related to what you intend to promote with it since you can very quickly loose track of what you’ve made or need to make.

Once you hit next, your done, you just need to add the page where you want the popover to show up on and then it’s done!

You now have your Popover and never have to worry whether your customers see your “popup” or not again. It’s guaranteed. This can push your sales through the roof when used correctly

To Visit The Site And See A Video And More Examples of Popover Generator Go Here

To see More Of The Creator of this fantastic bit of software and interviews with other successful entrepreuners, go here

Easy Popover Creator SoftwarePopup creator review

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Popover Generator Final Thoughts.

Popover Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morins Popover Generator Review Part 1

Armand Morin’s Focus Generator Review Conclusion

January 11, 2010

Armand Morins Generator Software Review Focus Generator

Focus generator is an incredibly powerful and effectively simple tool that can completely transform your site when done right. Whether you buy it to help your business or you just want to add a cool “post-it note” affect to your site, your going to win both ways.

This was primarily built as a business tool, and it does that very well. When implemented correctly it can vastly improve the appearance and business conducted through your website. With some tuning and testing this can benefit you very quickly.

Don’t forget it’s also built to get around pop-up blockers. As I’m sure your aware by now if you have some form of popup on your website with a further business promotion or free offer. This isn’t getting through to everyone checking out your site. If you swap those popups out for this, you should notice an increase in business pretty quickly, maybe even by the end of the day if you have alot of traffic going to your site.

Taking into account the paragraph above, for people just starting out, I highly doubt you’ll need this at the moment, but it’s well worth keep track of for future reference when you finally have got it all together.

So my verdict? I really think it’s an incredibly brilliant, effective and well designed tool that really will benefit your website significantly. It’s one of those things though that only makes sense to buy if your making sales pages quite often.

However if your looking to implement it on a current site and plan for future use aswell, it’s well worth a buy due to the fact that in the long run it’s cheaper and it’s quick and easy to use than bothering with a coder or outsourcing the work.

To see a video of it in action, go here

If you enjoyed this, you will find these interviews incredibly intrigueing  –>Click Here

Focus Generator Review Armand Morin

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Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Conclusion

Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morin Focus Generator Review Introduction Part 1

Focus Generator First Thoughts…

Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Part 2

January 9, 2010

Armand Morins Generator Software Review Focus GeneratorNow you’ve seen how Focus Generator Works it’s magic, and how cool it’s going to look on your site I bet your thinking it’s going to be really complicated to use!

How very far from that it is! It’s incredibly easy and “pleasant” to use.

I know pleasant seems like a strange word, but I guess that what I mean by that is the presentation of the software is top notch. It’s well set out, easy to understand, looks good and guides you step-by step through what to do. This is exactly what you want. This is why I like all of Armand’s Software so much.

It makes the little things that seem hard, incredibly easy and intuitive, and it helps you implement something that’d you’d normally pay a lot of money for a coder to do.

So this is how it looks then when you first open it, you’ll see what I mean about presentation straightaway

Armand Morin Generator Review Software focus Generator

As you can see it’s very fresh, modern and laid out well, there is a great selection of design templates at hand for you to use straightaway, you see what I mean about the graphics?. They don’t look like a window or anything like that.  It’s all a part of the site, and this is why it converts so well.

There’s also the option to load a previous project so you can modify or edit that really easily and put it straight back up.

Focus Generator Review

Once again you can see what I mean by the layout, it looks fantastic and is really easy to use. You have all manner of fonts at your disposal so you can get any style of writing you can imagine. This is great because you can make your message look more personal and friendly with a simple hand writing effect. You can bold underline and italic the words just like you can in MS Word. You can basicly get any effect you can imagine.

You’ve also got complete manipulation of your message too, You can rotate it to any angle you desire or move it anywhere on the “focus” note. This allows you to either have it perfectly on the lines or you can go for that personal effect again by having it a little bit imperfect.

There is also the option to include a little close button if you want, or you can set it to automatically close after a certain time period in the next step…

Armand Morin Generator Software Review Focus Generator

This is where coding would of gotten really tricky if you were to try and do this all yourself. I hope your beginning to see now how truly powerful this little tool is. This is where you choose to make it linkable, the positioning, the time its up and generally how its going to function.

In order to sort out all these variables it would normally take someone with some pretty significant html knowledge and a couple of days to arrange this.

It also takes into account the little things such as the browser cookie to stop it opening again, and whether to open in a new window or not (Personally I recommend same window).

This option may seem a little odd, considering the whole idea is to block popups, but it’s there for a reason. It will still get around popup blockers because of the JavaScript language it’s written in, but if people have their security set REALLY high, there is a small chance it wont get through.

Like I said at the start this is one of those options for people with high traffic and making many sales a day. It’s  all about the testing. In certain circumstances there’s a chance it may improve sales.

Focus Generator

This is the cherry on the top for this piece of software. NOW IT’LL DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU!

Focus Generator Review Popup

Now you’ve made your note, it’ll automatically put it on whatever page you choose it to. You just select the file in the “auto-modify” section and it does everything else for you. It creates the necessary files, integrates the code into you webpage, all you have to do now is put it online!

You can also see what it looks like if you so choose to by clicking the preview button.

Javascript Popup Generator

Alternatively you can save it manually and put it in yourself; I only recommend this for someone a bit more advanced. As long as you know a little about HTML coding you’ll probably be all right doing this or if you have the expertise to edit it further, go ahead!.

I’ve not really seen much point in using the manual bit though if it can all be done for you!

Watch out for the final part 😉

To See A video Of It In Action Go Here–>

If you found this helpful, you’ll love this ;~)

Focus Generator Review Armand Morin

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Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Conclusion

Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morin Focus Generator Review Introduction Part 1

Focus Generator First Thoughts…

Armands Focus Generator Review- A Few Notes First Though…

January 7, 2010

As you can see by the dates of this post, to the previous post, it has been a while since i updated anything on this blog. I’ve been very busy in other projects and helping other people with their online ventures. I started this blog as more of a past time and a reference for people. What I’m going to do now though is just focus on this blog for a while till I’ve finished reviewing all the Generator Software Products.

My intention is for this site to become the first place you go before purchasing Armands products, or at least a reference point which will guide you in your decisions.

I’ll also Try too answer as many of your questions as possible

Back to business then! 🙂

The next product I’m going to be review Is Armand Morins Focus Generator

What is it at first glance? In a nutshell the idea is, it will help you to get around the popup blockers installed on peoples browsers and computers, makeing your “pop-up” or “offer”  appear to be part of the page. The idea is to draw the focus towards that, it doesnt look like a window either, so people are less inclined to close it.

Stay tuned to see what i have to say, or see a video explaining the software further here

Armand Morins Generator Software Review Focus Generator

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Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Conclusion

Armand Morins Focus Generator Review Part 2

Armand Morin Focus Generator Review Introduction Part 1

Focus Generator First Thoughts…

Armand Morin and Ryan Deiss Email Opt-in Automator 3.0 Video Review

July 13, 2009

opt-in-automater-3-banner1Just thought I’d Let you all know, I am still writing to this blog, I’ve just been heavily engrossed in other projects recently Im currently in the process of making a video review of this very powerful bit of software at the moment, so stay tuned, you should see it come up in the next couple of days, and if you Still don’t know what your missing go back to the previous posts to find out! Dont forget, feel free to ask me any questions or just leave some nice comments so that I know these reviews are benefiting you all! 🙂

Armand Morins “toolbox” of internet marketing really is a powerful set to have behind your online business.

Read more about Armand Morin Here

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Armand Morin And ryan Deiss Email Opt-in Automator 3.0 video review

Armand Morin And ryan Deiss Email Opt-in Automator 3.0 review part 3-m Email X Technology

Armand Morin And ryan Deiss Email Opt-in Automator Generator Software 3.0 review part 2

Armand Morin And ryan Deiss Email Opt-in Automator 3.0 review part 1

Armand Morin’s Sales Letter Generator

February 25, 2009

Armand’s Library of software is ever growing, but when you look at it, you’ll be surprised at how simple the programs he produces are yet how effective they’ve been in really taking businesses to another level, Here’s the rest of his software that will really help guide you and your business to greater success.

I was going to put this into one post because I wanted to crack on with the reviews of all this fantastic software, but I’ve been having serious trouble with fromatting, so instead I am going to give you a quick overview and insight into each of the rest of the products, I’m Sure you’ll enjoy it all though! remember feel free to ask any questions, I want to help.

Sales Letter Generator

Now there’s a fast, easy, and fool-proof way to…

“It Instantly Creates Cash Producing Sales

Letters. You Too, Can Create The same Kind of Sales Letters I’ve Used For Over 10 Years To Generate Millions Of Dollars Online!”

You Don’t Have To Be Skilled Copywriter- Plug and Play!

This will cure those sitting in front of a blank page blues as you will  be prompted all the way to develop a converting sales letter

Get the full details here